Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Parking availibility for Trolley Square and Desert Edge Brewery during construction

As they say here at Trolley Square… “Changes are happening”… and now they are!

Construction of the Whole Foods building begins late September. It will occupy the North East parking lot in its entirety. When it is finished, it will include two levels of parking. For the time being your best option for parking is in the 200 stall West terrace. Parking in the Sixth South lot across the bridge is plentiful. The Western Gardens parking lot on 600 East is still available after 6:00 PM for overflow parking. Convenient valet parking will remain in operation. As always, it is located under the Trolley Square water tower on 700 East. We value your patronage and will do everything we can to make your visit to The Desert Edge Pub a success!

Thank you